Cooperativa Maura Morales Cooperativa Maura Morales My Body a Stranger, that Kills me that Protects me Epic Dermis Haraka haraka haina baraka Verwandlung/Fremdkörper Rayuela Präludium der Kälte Verweile doch, Du bist so schön Efecto Mariposa KOXACherchez la femmeTanzGedichte Was von uns bleibtPhobos Exceso de la nadaBlinzeln, Zwinkern und drehen Phaidra – The Virtuosity of Pain Stadt der Blinden Sisyphos has been a Woman Don NadieEl baile de San Vito40 palillos x 10 pesosWunschkonzert Michio performs “Stadt der Blinden” (musicians perspective)Musicians perspective of “Phaidra – The Virtuosity of Pain”Maura and Michio performing “Sisyphos has been a Woman”Rehearsing “40 palillos x 10 pesos”Michio performing “Don Nadie”