Double-PREMIERE weekend

The double PREMIERE weekend has begun! Tonight at Stadttheater Gießen “My body…” by Maura Morales and tomorrow at Theater Vorpommern “Gilgamesch” by Ralf Dörnen for Ballett Vorpommern. It is both an honour and a challenge to have the opportunity to compose for these two completely different productions. These are my 6th and 7th full-length music compositions for ballet and contemporary dance this year. I have composed, arranged, recorded and mixed over 400 minutes of music in 2022. Now I definitely need a break! TOI TOI to everyone involved for tonight!

Open Call for the PulseLabs #2 and #3

For those who made up their minds at the last minute! Open Call for professional musicians/composers/sound artists in NRW who want to explore the artistic potential of conscious encounters with contemporary dancers/choreographers. Apply now for PulseLabs #2 (27-29 October) and #3 (3-5 November) by Cooperativa Maura Morales in co-production with FFT Düsseldorf.

The official “EpicDermis” trailer is now online

It was a great pleasure to compose the soundtrack for this extraordinary piece, about which the critic Thomas Linden writes the following for

[…] Her courage (Maura Morales) to reach into the passionate depths of the Conditio Humana almost takes on the proportions of an exorcism. But it is precisely this attempt to give shape to the elusive sensuality of human beings with all consistency that transforms “EPICDERMIS” into such an extraordinary production. […] The extent to which the ensemble was able to charge the space in the Heeder factory with energy was then shown by the audience’s enthusiastic applause. “EPICDERMIS” is an experience, those who still have the chance to see this production should know that.

The premiere of “EpicDermis” is about to start

The new piece by Cooperativa Maura Morales will be premiered soon at Ringlokschuppen Ruhr.

It was an intense journey and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to compose the music for this wonderful choreography by Maura Morales Yudesbiet.
Thank you TOI TOI to the entire CMM team and to the Ringlokschuppen Ruhr team.

Michio composes in Tanzania

We are currently in Dar Es Salaam/Tanzania with the Cooperativa Maura Morales, where we are creating a full-length piece for the MuDa-Africa company.

Premiere is 3.7.2022 as part of the Asphalt Festival. Further performances:

  • July 4 Asphalt Festival, Düsseldorf
  • July 5 Asphalt Festival, Düsseldorf
  • July 9 TanzMderneTanz Festival Chemnitz

Michio composes at Theater Münster

I had the honour of composing the music for the full-length dance piece “Verwandlung/Fremdkörper”. The direction/choreography by Maura Morales for the TanzTheater Münster ensemble is based on the novel of the same title by Franz Kafka.

Open Call for the Pulse Lab #1

To all professional musicians/composers in NRW who would like to expand their radius of action in the direction of collaboration with contemporary dancers/choreographers!

Three times three – three artists from the field of music and three artists from the field of dance form three randomly assembled Pulse Teams, each of which develops a work together over a period of three days in the studio of Cooperativa Maura Morales, co-produced by the FFT Düsseldorf, curated by Maura Morales Yudesbiet and Michio Woirgardt.
At the end of the Pulse Lab, a jointly developed composition and choreography will be presented to the audience in the form of a “shoulder view”.

Apply by 13.5 for the Puls Lab #1 in Düsseldorf, which will take place from 19 to 21 May in Düsseldorf.

Successful premiere of “Rayuela” in Gelsenkirchen

Here is the trailer and a press review of “Rayuela”, a work commissioned by choreographer Maura Morales for the ensemble of the MIR Dance Company at the Musiktheater im Revier in Gelsenkirchen.

[…] On the way between heaven and hell, the dancers complete a true “hell ride” between dance and acrobatics. Woirgardt has created a brutally energetic music for this, which drives the audience to the front edge of their seats. […] Michael Zerban for O-TON Kulturmagazin

The spring tour 2022 is about to start!

The Cooperativa Maura Morales is looking forward to touring Germany soon with our current production “Präludium der Kälte”. Here are the tour dates:

  • 18 March Saarländische Staatstheater (Alte Feuerwache) Saarbrücken
  • 25 March Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden
  • 26 March Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden
  • 01 April LOT-Theater Braunschweig
  • 02 April LOT-Theater Braunschweig
  • 15 April Theater im Pumpenhaus Münster
  • 16 April Theater im Pumpenhaus Münster
  • 27 Mai EinTanzHaus Mannheim
  • 28 Mai EinTanzHaus Mannheim
  • 03 Juni tanzOFFensive 2022 Eisfabrik Hannover
  • 04 Juni tanzOFFensive 2022 Eisfabrik Hannover

The official trailer of “Prelude to the Cold” is now online

Here is the trailer of the current production “Präludium der Kälte” by Cooperativa Maura Morales.
Thank you to the entire team, to our friends, supporters and co-production partners.
It is an honour to have been part of this intense artistic process!
And of course most importantly:
Big thanks to Maura Morales Yudesbiet, the architect, visionary and leader of this fantastic journey!